Monday, December 22, 2008

When I was 15 I wanted a black wedding dress...

Some dresses that I've been checking out...
of course, now that I've found
out of Australia, it's highly likely that I'll have whatever look I decide on custom-made by them!

Designed by Henry Roth for Kleinfeld

Designed by Alita Graham ::SWOON::

A dangerous online-only Chinese dress factory....


Wedding Photography

Dave & Mel
Originally uploaded by Shannon Dand Photography

Besides swooning over looks I;d like to see in my own wedding photography, these shots make me want to pick up a camera and find that special shot on my own,

The kiss
Originally uploaded by Piero_HN

Originally uploaded by Tim PopUp

Ok, ok, enough, I get it

Penguins, kitty.... magic

Yeah so I like penguin. What.
And yes, my cats, too are oft tortured by penguins for a photo op.
So when I came across this on Flickr, how could I not share (and put is somewhere safe to share with Rob later? He'll get a giggle, too )

It's Christmas time!

Xmas !!!
Originally uploaded by nonochan
Is this not the most creative thing you've ever seen? Rice snowman, and a christmas tree and presents out of fruits and veggies.

Testing testing, you're in trouble now!

This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

Yup, my newbie butt found flickr. Well, found a use for it, I should say. Cutness to follow!